Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Fatigue is the right word to describe the body. But finally, the worst is over! AAH paper today and it was good C: Can't say for sure that I'll do well in it but well at least I feel much more confident this time.

Spent the whole day studying and stressing over the paper with my friends. I've not felt so scared and nervous for an exam in a very long while...I'm wondering why I actually felt this way. Maybe it's the expectation that I have for myself, that makes me feel obliged to do well?

So it's one down and two to go, up next is korean on Thursday! I think it'll feel like the whole exams are over after this thursday hahaha we'll have mahjong night with friends + movie with the Babsey omgz I can't wait! Math can wait.

Looking forward to the holidays so much! There's so many things on my to-do list. Like picking up some digital painting skills + binding another book + driving + maybe look for a relevant job? :B

Tonight I'm gna have an overdose of korean songs and hopefully it'll magically diffuse into my system.

I've been wearing his shirts to sleep these days because they're all so comfy and they smell like him. C: It's a comforting smell that always keep my heart warm and fuzzy and make me feel like I'm not alone.

오늘 밤에 한국어를 공부해요. 어려워요! ):

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