Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Happy Book C:

Today we submitted our book publications in class. This marks our last submission for the year as a foundation student! I was really impressed with everyone's books they were soooo creative! It makes me want to do more to improve myself over the holidays. It kinda makes me reflect on my own book and think that I can do better.

So, I have decided to work on my book after the exams during the holidays. C: And make a nicer and thicker version of this! Honestly I'm not exactly very proud of my book and it doesn't give me the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that I'd have after completing every project. But as the Marmite said, "If your best isn't enough, it just means that you have the potential to do better". Her words really struck me. Somehow the mother always knows best and her words are always so encouraging. C: So I'm looking forward to the holidays cuz I can use the time to work on this mini project!

Anyway as promised, here are the pages of my book! Enjoy! C:
(click to have a bigger view)

Exams have barely started and I'm living my life like it's the holidays already. :/ But seeing the number of people studying at Can A with their tables filled with books and tutorials spread all over, I thank God that I'm in an art school.

Although having electives are not helping...

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