Thursday, June 7, 2012

Save me from my thoughts.

It's funny how music can make you feel so much better instantly. And of course this boy. He has probably seen/heard more than half the tears 've cried.

And I thank God for the family, who shares the same pain, who'd always be there.

Death I believe, is a reminder to us that we have to move on with life.

But that doesn't mean that you can say "oh, it's gone. Now let's chuck it aside and pretend it never happened." It hurt so much when you disregarded him, like he's just another 'thing' that's not even worth the last bit of our attention and love. He's someone we all hold close to our hearts, unlike you. We are beings who love and have emotions, unlike you. I don't understand, I don't understand you at all. You are like a piece of block that's so hard to get through to. And I totally understand how she feels now.

It's so hard to go to sleep because every time I close my eyes, my mind brings me through these endless thoughts about the little dog. The first time I ever saw him at my aunt's house, the time when he was at my grandmother's house, the times I placed the biscuits on the floor of different distances just so I could see how far he was able to reach for the them, the times where I'd chase him around the house and he keeps running because he's afraid I'd snatch his toy from him, the times he'd look blankly at me till I call his name and he comes running to me.....

The final image I had of him that day when he laid there, without a breath. It's stuck in my head. For good.

And then it starts all over again until it reaches the same point. And again and again.

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