Monday, September 26, 2011

This Could Go On Forever

Sentosa on Saturday with the boy! That idiot wanted to go catch fish haha so I sun tanned and caught some colour. :D It has been a long time since 've done that! The sun was so strong after tanning about half an hour I couldn't stand lying there anymore hahaha! We practiced a couple of cartwheels on the sand after that and I can finally do some nicer ones yaay!

I really love days like these, I love it when we go on dates/trips, love it when we just stay home with nothing to do all day, love it when he stays over during long weekends and make me don't wna go back to school. Love it and I can't wait for his exams to be overrrrr. (:

I think Peppie misses me, because he has been following me around the house ever since I came back from school, for the past few days. I think he's secretly happy that 'm home on a weekday too. (:

Spent half my day working on my imaginary space for 2D homework...the other half was spent sleeping, eating, and slacking away. I am so happy 'm finally done with this i remember how bad it looked last night. (:

Next homework on my waiting list: Self-Portrait.

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