Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Black Hole

I choose to believe that animals go to Heaven too when they die. Unless God tells me a different answer.

"They come and they go, and they leave an empty hole."
So this is how a very, very, very, very, very, very, very very deep black empty hole feels like.

Ever felt like you just wanted this very day to end quickly?

Being a lonely girl today I had Piglet to accompany me. The good thing about soft toys is that they'll never leave you. My eyes are all puffy from the endless free-flow of tears throughout the day. Right now all I do is look forward to the night time and weekends where people come home and the house doesn't feel so empty. The emptiness in the day scares me a lot.

Drawing Peppie took my mind off things a little, it made me notice all the little details of his fur, his face, his eyes, his paws, his nose, every little thing which made him such a cutie. I will frame it up and hang it on my wall because he deserves all these space and attention that I regret not giving him during the times when I wasn't around. It will be a drawing I'm proud of and I hope he sees it from Heaven.

You're one part of my memory that I never ever ever want erased. ♥♥♥ Please come back in my dreams tonight?

God please give me the strength to pull through this.

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